With New Year’s resolutions made and year-end reflections completed, I am now resolved to turn my attention to the year at hand. 2014 is a year full of promise as the tectonic plates in our economy shift along the fault lines of the business cycle. What amazes me is how one can always find voices that cackle out the rosiest of predictions for the future whilst the ever-present doomsday prophets simultaneously herald the end of the world as we know it. There are elements of truth in both arguments. However, if you buy the assumption that private aviation is a leading economic indicator (as I do), I think the optimists have the edge.
We are due to pass several important milestones this year, not the least of which being the 50th anniversary of the introduction of the King Air prop-jet aircraft to the world market.
The first flight of the newly crowned King Air took place in January of 1964 and led to its establishment as the most successful business aircraft model in history. Five decades later nearly 7,200 of these legendary aircraft have been produced with over 60 million flight-hours logged. With a 50-year production run, the King Air is perhaps the most service-tested and refined flying machine ever built and one that we are very proud to be associated with.
We are also passing mile-marker 30 (years) of our having had the privilege of serving the travel needs of the most sophisticated private aviation consumers in captivity. That is a sufficient span of time for me to have touched, and to have been touched by the lives of hundreds of customers and associates passing through our airplanes on their way to somewhere. And, my life is definitely richer for it.
Thirty years is also long enough to learn a thing or two about operating airplanes And when one conducts flight operations for a living a key statistic with which to measure your effectiveness is your flight dispatch reliability It’s a metric we track continuously and it’s currently running at 99%, which means that your reliance on Dreamline for on-time departures and arrivals is well placed.