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Airborne Wi-Fi

Throughout human history most people lived their lives on farms. In the last 100 years, we’ve lived in cities. Now it would seem we live our lives online. Yet the advent of our interconnected world has given rise to a dichotomy, a generation gap if you will, which divides us into those who view airplane time as downtime and those who must always be connected, even while flying, privately or otherwise.

When the technology for airborne Wi-Fi first became available I was skeptical of its importance to our customers. I am solidly in the camp with those who are still amazed by the experience of flying aboard modern jet aircraft. It’s enough, I think, to just sit back and enjoy the ride. Flying puts me in a reflective mood and makes me want to simply relax and watch the world go by.

But alas, I am in the minority and perhaps part of a dying breed. Most people, especially younger folks, are so accustomed to being connected to their email and social media, the expectation for seamless access to the Internet is virtually ubiquitous.

Unlike the terrestrial-based connectivity infrastructure we take for granted at home, office or at the local Starbucks, the equipment and data service costs for airborne Wi-Fi are spectacularly expensive. It requires an investment of at least $150,000 per aircraft in new electronics for domestic coverage and up to $500,000 for installations that connect to satellite-based data networks that afford coverage anywhere in the world.

To meet our customers’ requirement for connectivity Dreamline’s fleet of mid-sized and large cabin jet aircraft are now all Wi-Fi equipped. The light jets and King Airs will be next.  We get the message and, whether your need for connectivity is optional or essential, we’ve got you covered.


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